Karma: Influence the Unfolding of Karma for Your Best Possibility of Happiness and Fulfillment

by Guru for God
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Karma keeps us in the stream of evolution throughout our many lifetimes, so that we experience all there is to experience and gain higher states of Consciousness.
Karma unfolds through our thoughts leading to desires, leading to actions to realize those desires, leading to the results or fruits of our actions .
The impressions left on our mind from the fruits of action are the seeds of new thoughts and desires.
This is the wheel of Karma.
It comes to an end when one gains Enlightenment.
The governance of Natural Law, through our Karma, ensures that all human beings will gain Enlightenment in one of the lifetimes on the relative plane.
You cultivate the state of Enlightenment with the action of transcending during your meditation practice, experiencing the Self, the Wholeness that underlies all planes of existence.
Karma unfolds with reference to what has come before and also with reference to this Wholeness. The more you experience Wholeness, the Self, in your meditation practice, the more happiness and fulfillment your Karma unfolds for you.

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