Knowledge of Higher States of Consciousness is Passed Down Through the Ages by Vedic Masters

by Guru for God
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My Guru, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, comes from the tradition of Vedic Masters in India, a tradition thousands of years old.

In this tradition, techniques to experience and knowledge of higher states of Consciousness are passed down from Guru to disciple.

Maharishi brings these techniques and knowledge out into the world, so that anyone can have the practice and understanding that lead to higher states of Consciousness.

We have many lifetimes as human beings to experience all there is to experience, culminating in the experience of higher states of Consciousness.

Each human being is in a different place on the continuum of evolution governed by Natural Law.

This is why different practices appeal to different people.

If you desire higher states of Consciousness, a meditation practice that transcends to experience the Self, and the knowledge passed down by the Vedic Masters will get you there.

Transcend and experience the Bliss Consciousness that brings contentment and abundance to your mind.

Establish yourself in your Self of Bliss Consciousness.

This is the first stage of Enlightenment and brings many benefits.

The desire for God Consciousness will grow in you, the desire to be united with the Lord and to live the state where the Lord is everywhere and everything.

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