Why Are We Here? To Experience Divine Being and Rise to That Level in Our Life

by Guru for God
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We are here to experience Divine Being, our very own nature, our Self.

There are two fields of experience: the relative, created field that we experience with our mind and physiology; and the field of Divine Being that is unmanifest, unbounded, eternal and never changing.

Divine Being is experienced when the relative field is transcended in your meditation practice.

With regular transcending, your mind and physiology are transformed to rise to that level of Divine Being, to be established in That.

This is the destiny of all human beings and why we are here:

To hold two states of Consciousness at the same time, Divine Being along with waking, sleeping or dreaming.

To be Enlightened.

And to continue evolving to God Consciousness, where the Lord is everywhere and everything, unifying your Self with all of creation.

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