Experience the Two Fullnesses of Life with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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This is full and That is full.

Maharishi teaches there are two fullnesses of life.

The fullness of this relative created world and the fullness of That Divine Being, the Absolute, your Self.

This world we live in is a field of diversity, with a full range of experience.

It is bounded by space, time and causation.

It is ever changing with beginnings and endings.

That unmanifest, unbounded, never changing Divine Being, your Self, underlies this great world of diversity.

To experience the fullness of this, you must experience the fullness of That.

Transcending in your meditation practice brings experience of That fullness, your Self.

With regular meditation practice, your mind and physiology are so transformed they can hold two states of Consciousness simultaneously, experience of this and experience of That.

Maharishi teaches you should live 200% of life.

100% of this and 100% of That.

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