The Secret of the Secret: Find Something That Works Better

by Guru for God
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The Secret, a short film, is about using your thoughts to bring about things that you want.

This may work for some people some times, but only because it is in accord with the Karma each of them brought into this lifetime.

There is a better way to fulfill desires than what the Secret proposes.

All your thoughts and desires are unfolded by Natural Law, by the Law of Karma.

The Karma you bring into this lifetime with you will determine which of your desires are fulfilled.

To get the best expression of this Karma, develop a practice of meditation that transcends.

Transcend the relative field and all of your thoughts.

Experience your Self, Pure Consciousness.

Pure Consciousness is unbounded, unmanifest, never changing and eternal.

It underlies the relative field in all the diversity of Creation.

That Pure Consciousness comes back with you when you return to experience of the relative field.

It brings peacefulness and happiness into your life.

It reverberates throughout the Universe with good influences.

The more that you experience Pure Consciousness in your meditation practice, the more your desires are supported by Natural Law to get what you want.

You get the best expression of the Karma you came into this lifetime with for your happiness and for your fulfillment.

Transcending in your meditation practice regularly and repeatedly is the best way to get what you want in life.

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