Higher States of Consciousness Are Gained with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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We are all familiar with the states of Consciousness of the relative field:

Waking, sleeping and dreaming.

There are , however, higher states of Consciousness that a human being is able to gain.

The first higher state of Consciousness is the Transcendent.

Transcending the relative field in your meditation practice brings experience of the Transcendent, experience of your Self.

Your Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf.

Your Self is Being, the Transcendent, the field of the Absolute.

There is no experience of the relative field, no waking, sleeping or dreaming.

Repeated and regular experience of the Transcendent cultures your mind and physiology.

It allows them to gain the second higher state of Consciousness: Enlightenment.

You are able to hold two states of Consciousness at the same time: Consciousness of the Transcendent along with consciousness of the relative field.

You are established in your Self, established in the Transcendent.

You know your Self as separate from the activity of the relative field.

You know your Self as unbounded, unmanifest, never changing and eternal Pure Consciousness.

Enlightenment evolves to God Consciousness, the third higher state of Consciousness.

In God Consciousness, the Awareness of God unifies the Consciousness of Self with consciousness of the relative field.

All Consciousness is of God alone.

The devotee worships the Lord and the Lord embraces the devotee.

They are unified in God Consciousness .

Brahmi Chetana, or Unity Consciousness,

is the final state of higher Consciousness.

It is a shift of the relationship with the Lord:

Knowing Brahm is being Brahm.

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