Bliss Consciousness Is the Experience of the Transcendent in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Bliss Consciousness is not of the relative field.

Bliss Consciousness is never changing; unmanifest; unbounded and eternal.

It is Absolute in Its nature.

The relative field, the world that we live in,

is always changing; manifest; bounded by space, time and causation, and with beginnings and endings.

It is relative in its nature.

Bliss Consciousness is the experience of the Transcendent in your Meditation practice.

It is the experience when the relative field is transcended.

Your Self, Bliss Consciousness, is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf.

Transcending the relative field in your Meditation practice is not an experience of your mind.

It is an experience of Bliss Consciousness by ItSelf.

When you return to experience of the relative field, the subjective experience of Bliss Consciousness comes out with you as feelings of bliss, of contentment, of peacefulness.

These feelings radiate out into the Universe, influencing all of Creation.

Bliss Consciousness experienced regularly and repeatedly transforms your mind and physiology.

Eventually you will be able to hold two states of Consciousness simultaneously:

Consciousness of the Transcendent along with consciousness of the relative field.

This is Enlightenment.

It brings you Spontaneous Right Action.

All your thoughts, words and actions are in accordance with Natural Law, supporting your evolution and the evolution of everyone.

It brings you freedom from the bondage of Karma.

It brings you evolution to God Consciousness.

In God Consciousness, Consciousness of the Absolute and consciousness of the relative field are unified in the Consciousness of God alone.

You live the Lord as everywhere and as everything.

You are united with God.

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