The Field of All Possibilities Is Pure Consciousness, Your Self

by Guru for God
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Pure Consciousness, your Self, is a field of all possibilities.

This Universe where we live is of the relative field.

It is manifest, ever changing and bounded by space, time and causation.

Pure Consciousness, on the other hand, is the field of the Absolute.

It is unmanifest, never changing and unbounded.

It is a field of all possibilities: all possibilities of an infinite number of universes evolving in an infinite number of ways.

The possibilities expressed in any universe are all governed by Natural Law.

The Law of Karma ensures that Creation remains in the stream of evolution.

Pure Consciousness is the source of all of Creation.

Remaining unmanifest and unbounded, It appears as the relative field.

We have many lifetimes as human beings for the purpose of evolution in the relative field.

When you come into this particular lifetime that you have now, you bring some of the Karma from past actions in past lifetimes with you.

This Karma must be lived out in the lifetime now.

But the expression of the Karma is influenced by the experience of Pure Consciousness in your Meditation practice.

Transcending the relative field and experiencing Pure Consciousness, your Self, brings you the best possibilities of your Karma for your happiness and fulfillment.

Gain your best possibilities.

Transcend regularly and repeatedly.

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