Einaudi and Gjeilo: Secular and Divine Love

by Guru for God
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Music can express love in a very compelling manner.

Ludovico Einaudi wrote and performs a piece for piano called Bye Bye Mon Amour.

With his music he expresses love for another human being.

Ola Gjeilo composed Ubi Caritas as a chorale piece celebrating Divine love.

The Decca recording with Voces 8 singing and Gjeilo improvising on piano to accompany them, is the most beautiful realization of Ubi Caritas.

These two pieces evoke very different kinds of love.

Einaudi’s Bye Bye Mon Amour expresses his love for another person in the musical composition itself, and also with his impassioned performance of the piece on the piano.

You are captured by the beauty of the performance, and by that feeling of yearning for the beloved that is evoked so powerfully.

You feel that yearning for the one you love.

You feel the bounded nature of that love, that is dependent on another person’s existence, or on their loving you in return in a manner that is gratifying to you.

There is the ebb and flow of that feeling of love for another that is expressed so well in this piece.

And then, in contrast, there is the expression of Divine love in Ubi Caritas, the expression of the love of God:

Divine Love That is not limited in any manner; Love that transcends all the different existences there are as an individuated Consciousness.

The love of the Lord is unbounded and eternal.

This feeling of love is wonderfully evoked with Gjeilo’s work. Interestingly enough, the love of God is cultivated with your Meditation Practice.

When you transcend this field of relativity that is ever changing and bounded by space, time and causation, your Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf.

Your Self is Divine Being. The experience of Divine Being returns with you when you return to experience of the relative field.

It brings harmony to your life and harmony to all of Creation, by transforming your mind and physiology in the direction of evolution.

That experience of Divine Being in your practice expands your feelings of love of God.

The expansion of Divine love allows you to experience more of the secular love that you have for other human beings.

Do your practices. Be your Self.

Be all the love that there is.

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