Unfathomable Is the Course of Action – Get the Best Possibility of Your Karma Now

by Guru for God
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Unfathomable Is the Course of Action - Get the Best Possibility of Your Karma Now.

Unfathomable is the course of action.

The Sanskrit word Karma is action.

The consequences of your actions will show up at some point in your many lifetimes.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

Every action of yours has results that are governed by Natural Law.

Their influences radiate out into the Universe.

It is unfathomable when these influences will return to you.

Your Karma unfolds with reference to what has come before, reference to your past actions, and also with reference to Wholeness, to Divine Being.

The influences of your past actions will return to you with reference to those actions and also with reference to Divine Being, to the Lord.

To get the best possibilities of your Karma, of these influences of your past actions, reference Divine Being in your Meditation Practice.

Transcend the relative field.

Go beyond all relativity.

Experience Divine Being, That which underlies all relativity;

That which is the source of all relativity;

That which is the finest constituent of the relative field.

The more you reference Divine Being in your Meditation Practice, the more you cultivate the best possibilities of those influences of your past actions returning to you;

The more you will have the best possible expression of your Karma for your happiness and fulfillment now.

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