Explore the Faintest Level of Feeling That Is the Finest Field of Creation

by Guru for God
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Your feelings are finer projections of your mind than your thoughts.

In your Meditation Practice, these feelings move from the grosser levels of feelings to the finer levels of feelings, to the faintest level of feeling.

This is the interface of Consciousness and mind:

The faintest level of feeling.

When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, you go beyond relativity, beyond the faintest level of feeling.

But the process of transcending itself traverses all the values of Creation, from the grosser surface values to the finer, more subtle values.

Traversing the relative field allows the experience of the fainter and finer impulses of Creation, the celestial impulses of the finest nature.

Experience of the faintest level of feeling, the finest impulse of Creation, is the interface of the Absolute and the relative.

A Meditation Practice is a means of becoming familiar with the most subtle values of Creation.

Maharishi teaches that becoming familiar with these finer impulses of the relative field allow one to become familiar with the mechanics of Creation.

Familiarity with the mechanics of Creation allows you to create more of what you want in your life.

Traverse the relative field in your Meditation Practice.

Become familiar with the finest impulses of Creation, your faintest level of feeling.

Transcend even those finest impulses and experience Pure Consciousness, Divine Being, your Self.

Create more of what you want in your life to bring you happiness and fulfillment.

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