Devotion to God Is the Most Refined of the Finest Feelings

by Guru for God
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The teaching of the Ancient Vedic Masters is that devotion to the Lord is the offering of service, reverence and love.

This offering of devotion is only possible when one is established in one’s Self.

The consciousness of the relative field, the waking, dreaming or sleeping states, is full of activity.

One is always busy doing, perceiving, thinking and feeling.

This activity of the relative field covers the Awareness of Self;

It covers and hides your true nature.

The Self is the experience when the relative field, with all its ever changing activity, is transcended:

The Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf.

It is the experience of Divine Being.

That is your own nature: Divine Being.

Unless you are established in your Self, established in Divine Being, your devotion is not able to reach the Lord.

For those of you who want to offer unto God your service, reverence and love, transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice.

Be separate from all the activity of the relative field.

Be your Self.

Repeated and regular experience of your Self in your Meditation Practice allows you to be established in your Self.

You know your Self as separate from all the activity of the relative field.

The activity of the relative field no longer covers your own nature of Divine Being.

You are able to hold two states of Consciousness at the same time:

The Consciousness of Self along with the consciousness of the relative field.

This is Enlightenment.

Now your devotion to the Lord is developed naturally with your offering of service, reverence and love.

It is devotion, the most refined of all the finest feelings, that leads to the second stage of Enlightenment;

That leads to God Consciousness.

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