To Be the Best Person You Can Be, You Must Know Who You Are

by Guru for God
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In our daily lives, we sometimes react to situations with anger, or impatience or with some other stressed response.

We do not like that behavior of ours, and we want to change it.

We want to have better interactions with the ones we love, and with people in general.

We want to be a better person.

How can you move forward in your life in this direction?

Know who you are.

Who you are is invulnerable, eternal, unbounded and never changing:

Your Self.

Your Self projects as your mind and physiology;

It projects as all of Creation.

When you have a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field, then your Self experiences ItSelf by ItSelf;

Experiences the invulnerable, eternal, unbounded and never changing Self.

When you have the experience of Self in your Meditation Practice and return to experience of the relative field, you bring a reservoir of that knowing who you are.

That allows you to be more of an observer in your life, and less of a rector to your life.

This reservoir of Self with the feelings of contentment, peacefulness and blissfulness, allows you to be a better person; to develop better relationships with those you love and with the world at large.

With the influences of the Self in your life, you radiate out your feelings of contentment, peacefulness and blissfulness to the entire Universe.

Develop your Meditation Practice:

Be the best person you can be.

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