By the Grace of God Evolve to Higher States of Consciousness with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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It is by the Grace of God that the Vedas, the Laws of Nature, emerge from the Wholeness of the Field of the Absolute.

It is by the Grace of God the Vedas unfold in a sequential manner, with reference to what has come before, and with reference to Wholeness.

It is by the Grace of God the sounds and vibrations of the Vedas collapse and manifest all of Creation.

These Laws of Nature keep Creation in the stream of evolution: from Wholeness, through Wholeness, to Wholeness.

Your many lifetimes as a human being are governed by Natural Law, to keep everything in the stream of evolution.

It is by the Grace of God that you will begin to meditate in one of your lifetimes;

To transcend the relative field and be left by your Self to experience your Self;

Your Self That is Divine Being.

Experience of Divine Being is the first Higher State of Consciousness.

By the Grace of God the stream of evolution will carry you on to become established in your Self:

Where your mind and physiology are so transformed by experience of Self, they are capable of holding two states of Consciousness simultaneously:

Consciousness of Self, of Divine Being, along with consciousness of the relative field.

This is Enlightenment.

It is the second Higher State of Consciousness.

By the Grace of God, you will continue your evolution to God Consciousness.

In God Consciousness, the Consciousness of Self unifies with consciousness of the relative field.

There is one Consciousness alone:

The Consciousness of God.

This is the glorious culmination of the evolution of Creation.

It is the Lord’s will that all will gain God Consciousness.

By the Grace of God, you shall do so.

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