Be Anchored in Never Changing Silence in the Midst of Ever Changing Dynamism

by Denis Kreker
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Silence, the Field of the Absolute, the Silence of Divine Being, is never changing eternally.

Dynamism, the relative field, the field of activity here in the world, is always changing eternally.

And yet Silence, the Silence of Divine Being , is the source of the relative field.

It permeates all of the relative field, all of the dynamism here with all its activity.

When you have a Meditation Practice where the relative field is transcended, then your Self is left in Silence to experience Divine Being by ItSelf.

The Silence of Divine Being transforms your mind and physiology.

Eventually they rise to That status of Divine Being.

You hold the Consciousness of Silence at the same time as consciousness of the relative field.

This is Enlightenment.

When your mind rises to That status of the Silence of Divine Being , then all of your thoughts, all of your desires and your actions are in the direction of evolution and are fulfilled by Natural Law.

You are the instrument of Natural Law to further the evolution of all of Creation.

So do your Meditation Practice.

Transcend regularly and repeatedly.

Hold the state of Silence when you transcend the relative field.

Bring those qualities of the peacefulness, the blissfulness of the Silence of Divine Being, back with you when you return to consciousness of the relative field, to the field of dynamism.

Do your Meditation Practice so that you may rise to the status of Divine Being, may be anchored in That silence, and your activity here in the world of dynamism may be supported by all the Laws of Nature.

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