The Meditation Experience Is the Unfolding of Your Karma

by Guru for God
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When you have a meditation technique that allows you to transcend the relative field, there is a traversing of your mind:

A traversing from the grosser, surface values of thoughts down through to the deeper levels of your mind, where thoughts are finer, more refined and subtle.

In the traversing of the mind, as it moves toward the Transcendent, there can be different kinds of experiences.

Maybe you see in your mind’s eye, a beautiful shape or form or color; or a flash of white light.

Or maybe you are overcome by some feeling of sadness or joy, or by a poignant memory.

All of these experiences of your mind in meditation moving towards the Transcendent, are releases of stresses.

They are expressions in your mind of the unfolding of your Karma.

This is purification: releasing impressions stored in your Karma.

Eventually even the subtlest level of your mind is transcended.

There is no more experience of your mind, no more consciousness of the relative field.

There is only your Self, experiencing ItSelf left by ItSelf, unfolding ItSelf to ItSelf.

Your Self is Divine Being:

Absolute in Its nature, unmanifest , unbounded and never changing.

That is the experience of value in your Meditation Practice.

Experience of Self infuses your mind and physiology, transforming them.

When you return to the experience of your mind in the relative field with the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping, there is more peacefulness and happiness.

The valuable experience in your Meditation Practice is not in your mind traversing its range.

It is the experience of the Transcendent, of your Self , Divine Being, unfolding ItSelf to ItSelf by ItSelf.

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