What Is the Meaning of Life?

by Guru for God
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Each of us has a different idea about the meaning of life.

For some, meaning is found in progress, in moving forward.

For others, meaning is found in trying to make the world a better place; or to make a good life for your family.

Or it might be for you all of the above.

One of our jobs as human beings is to figure out for ourselves what is meaningful to us.

For some people, like the Existentialists, the meaning of life is that there is no meaning: all that happens is random.

But Maharishi teaches in the tradition of the Ancient Vedic Masters, that life is not random in the slightest.

The evolution of all of Creation is unfolded by Laws of Nature.

The Law of Karma governs all action:

As you sow, so shall you reap.

The purpose of Karma is to keep all of Creation in the stream of evolution.

The choices that you make in your life influence your lifetime now, and your future lifetimes.

How can you best move forward in your life, accomplish your goals and make the world a better place?

Develop a regular Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field.

Cultivate the experience of the Transcendent, your Self That is Divine Being.

The experience of Divine Being transforms your mind and physiology.

Infused with Divine Being, return to experience of the relative field with feelings of blissfulness, of peacefulness and contentment.

You are able to live life with more ease, and radiate that ease out into the Universe.

As you continue to evolve with the regular and repeated experience of Divine Being in your Meditation Practice, you will rise to That status of Divine Being ItSelf.

You will garner the support of Natural Law to fulfill your desires with powerful actions to accomplish your goals.

Nature supports you because your desires and actions are in the direction of evolution for you and for all of Creation.

You rise to your full potential.

You help the world rise to its full potential.

You accomplish your goals to bring you happiness and fulfillment.

This is the meaning of life:

Rise to the status of Divine Being.

Be your Self.

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