Develop Your Relationship with God in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Universal God is realized in the field of the Transcendent That is Divine Being.
When you have a Meditation Practice that allows you to transcend the relative field, then the experience is of Divine Being by ItSelf referring to ItSelf.
The experience is of Divine Being, the Universal God.
By doing your Meditation Practice regularly and transcending repeatedly, you cultivate the realization of Universal God.
Eventually your mind is so transformed by regular and repeated experience of Universal God, that it rises to That status of Universal God.
Now your Consciousness of Universal God is held alongside your consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping here in the relative field.
You hold the two states of Consciousness simultaneously.
This is Enlightenment.
Naturally your heart becomes cultured with love, the love for your Personal God.
Your Personal God might be Krishna, or Buddha, or Christ, or any perfectly realized Being.
Universal God is realized in the Transcendent.
But your Personal God is realized in the relative field;
Realized with your perceptions that are of the faintest, subtle, Celestial impulses of Creation;
Realized with your heart that is overflowing in love;
Realized with your mind that knows your Personal God as everywhere and everything;
And realized in the living of that knowledge.
Your Personal God, the Supreme Being, presides over both the relative and the Absolute fields, remaining uninvolved.
Your Personal God unifies the Absolute and the relative fields.
The Awareness is of God alone.
This is God Consciousness, union with your Personal God.
May you have That fulfillment that glorifies all of Creation.

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