Offer Yourself to Your Self in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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You could define yourself here in the relative field by your name, or your family, or your place of work, or your interests.
But this is just a surface value defining of yourself here in the world.
And like the relative field, this way of defining yourself is bounded, finite and ever changing.
There is another way to define yourself:
Your Self.
When you have a Meditation Practice where you transcend the relative field, where you transcend your small, individual self, then the experience is of Universal Self;
Your Self That is Divine Being, unfolding ItSelf to ItSelf by ItSelf;
Your Self That is unbounded, infinite and never changing.
When the relative field is transcended, and the experience is of Divine Being, there is no experience of the relative field; no experience of your limited individual self.
When you return to experience of the relative field, to the experience of your mind here in the world, That experience of Divine Being transforms you.
The infusion of Divine Being in your Meditation Practice brings you more blissfulness and peacefulness here in the relative field.
When you have a regular Meditation Practice, and you are transcending repeatedly, your mind is so transformed by the experience of Divine Being, that it rises to That status of Divine Being ItSelf.
Now you hold two states of Consciousness simultaneously:
The consciousness of the relative field alongside the Consciousness of Divine Being, the Consciousness of your Self.
You know your Self as separate from the activity of the relative field.
This is Enlightenment.
Naturally this first stage of Enlightenment develops into the Awareness of the Lord;
Into the Awareness of your Personal God as everywhere and everything.
Now the Consciousness of Self held alongside the consciousness of the relative field dissolve into one Awareness.
They are unified in the Awareness of God alone;
Unified in the Awareness of your Personal God.
This is God Consciousness.
Offer up your small individual self to your Universal Self That is Divine Being in your Meditation Practice.
And then offer up your Awareness of Self and your Awareness of the relative field to your Personal God.
Unify the consciousness of the relative and the Consciousness of the Absolute in the Consciousness of God alone.

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