How to Bring More Harmony to the Duality of Fear and Trust with Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Here in the relative field there is a great range of duality:
Hot and cold, big and small, loud and quiet….
There is a great range of duality in our world.
One of these dualities is fear and trust.
Maharishi teaches that fear is born from the experience of duality in the relative field.
The way to bring harmony to your fears is with your Meditation Practice.
Transcend this relative field of duality that is always changing;
Experience the field of the Absolute, the field of Unity that never changes;
Experience Unified Divine Being.
The experience of the Unity of Divine Being comes back with you when you return to the experience of duality in the relative field;
It brings you feelings of peacefulness and blissfulness.
Your fears that may serve you even though they are uncomfortable, become more harmonized with trust;
Trust that you will be OK no matter what may come your way.
That experience of Divine Being in your Meditation Practice helps you to take it as it comes;
To let the Lord’s will be done.
You have more trust in the Universe and more trust in the Lord.
Do your Meditation Practice regularly and transcend the relative field of duality repeatedly.
Experience Divine Being, the field of Unity.
Cultivate the trust in That Unity of Divine Being.
Let the experience of Divine Being anchor you.
When the fears come in the relative field of duality, be anchored in the trust of Unified Divine Being.

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