The Practical Benefits of Meditation Include Better Karma

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that when you transcend in your Meditation Practice,
your nervous system has a restful yet alert state.
This restfulness and alertness of the nervous system corresponds to the transcending in your Meditation Practice.
The deep rest of your nervous system during Meditation is very restorative .
There is a reset of your mind and physiology in a more peaceful direction.
These are some of the practical benefits of your Meditation Practice.
The most profound and therefore most practical of the benefits of Meditation that transcends, is getting a better expression of your Karma.
We have many lifetimes as human beings.
In these lifetimes we act.
All of these actions have consequences that will show up at some point in some lifetime.
The Karma of these consequences unfolds with reference to what has come before, and also with reference to Wholeness, to the Transcendent That is your Self.
The more you transcend in your Meditation Practice, the more the expression of your Karma will be in the direction of evolution for your happiness and fulfillment.
You get more of what you want in life.
And you get more evolution to Higher States of Consciousness.
Develop your Meditation Practice with a technique that allows you to transcend the relative field.
Experience the Transcendent regularly and repeatedly.
This is the way to get the best expression of the Karma you came into this lifetime with, for your happiness and fulfillment.

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