To Feel It Is All Good, Know It Is All God

by Guru for God
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It’s all good is an expression we use to convey to someone that everything is fine.
Usually this refers to a particular situation that you feel is going to work out.
But to feel on a deep level that all is good, one must know God.
Universal God, Divine Being, is your own Self.
It is your essential nature.
It is the essential nature of all of Creation, of all the infinities of Universes.
Universal God remains unmanifest and uninvolved, and yet manifests as every human being and as all of Creation.
The experience of Divine Being in your Meditation Practice is the experience of your Self, Universal God, referring to ItSelf by ItSelf.
Divine Being is unbounded, unmanifest, eternal and never changing.
And yet Divine Being manifests as the world that we live in, as the relative field, that is bounded by space, time and causation, and is ever changing.
Understanding that Divine Being made manifest is everything here in the world ;
And experiencing Divine Being in your Meditation Practice when you transcend the relative field;
Allows you to feel on the deepest level that it is all good;
Because you know and feel on the deepest level, that it is all God.
To cultivate this knowing, you need to do your Meditation Practice regularly and transcend the relative field repeatedly.
This transcending allows you to experience your Self left by ItSelf referring to ItSelf.
That experience of Self, of Divine Being, transforms your mind and physiology.
When you return to your experience of the relative field, the world that we live in, you have an easier time taking it as it comes.
You know that everything that happens here in the world is all God.
It is all good because it is all God.

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