Transform Your Mind into the Nature of Being

by Guru for God
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Our experience here in the world is object referral.
Any thought we may have, or feeling , any action we may take, or anything we may perceive with our senses, these are all objects the mind experiences.
Our true nature is hidden, or covered by this identification with objects.
Our essential nature is Divine Being That is our Self.
But the experience of Divine Being is hidden by the experience of objects here in the world.
Object referral covers Self referral.
How can you experience your essential nature, Divine Being, alongside your experience of objects here in the relative field?
A Meditation Practice cultivates Self referral.
When you have a technique that allows you to transcend the relative field, then your Self is left by ItSelf That is Divine Being, referring to ItSelf.
With repeated and regular transcending in your Meditation Practice, your mind and physiology are transformed into the very nature of Being.
Self referral is now alongside any object referral.
Do your Meditation Practice regularly.
Transform your mind into the nature of Being.
Live Being as you live your life in the world.

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