Your Meditation Practice Leads to More Powerful Thoughts and Actions to Accomplish Your Goals

by Guru for God
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Your mind has a vast range:
From the surface value level of thoughts that are grosser in quality, down through the mind to more refined, deeper and more powerful thoughts.
Some of your mind is not on the conscious level.
It is your subconscious mind.
When you have a Meditation Practice where you transcend the relative field, that process of transcending allows your thoughts to move from the surface value level of the mind, down to the deeper, more powerful level of the mind.
There is an expansion of conscious mind, and a contraction of subconscious mind.
More of the capacity of the mind is available to you.
When the relative field is transcended, then the experience is of your Self That is Divine Being, referring to ItSelf by ItSelf.
Now when you return to the experience of your mind and of the world we live in, your thoughts and your actions are more powerful.
The infusion of the all mighty power of Divine Being into your mind supports your thoughts and your actions to accomplish your goals.
Your mind is transformed by the experience of Divine Being, in the direction of evolution and of Higher States of Consciousness.
Natural Law gives more support to your thoughts and actions to accomplish your goals, because these goals support your evolution and the evolution of all of Creation.
The Meditation Practice where you transcend the relative field expands the capacity of your mind to its full potential;
The Meditation Practice where you transcend infuses your mind with the power of Divine Being;
And it transforms your mind in the direction of evolution to Higher States of Consciousness.
Now your powerful thoughts and actions are supported by Natural Law to accomplish your goals in life.

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