Transcending in Your Meditation Practice Puts You on the Highway of Evolution

by Guru for God
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Transcending in your Meditation Practice requires a technique that allows you to transcend the relative field;
The manifest field of Creation that is ever changing;
The field that is bounded by space, time and causation;
The field where there is incessant activity.
In the process of transcending, your thoughts get finer and finer in the deeper levels of your mind;
And finally all thought is transcended.
In the Transcendent, the experience is of your Self, referring to ItSelf;
Your Self That is unmanifest, unbounded and never changing;
Your Self That is Divine Being;
That is the silence of Universal God.
Experience of the Transcendent puts you on the highway of evolution, bringing more happiness and fulfillment to your life.
Awareness of Universal God is cultivated by your Meditation Practice;
It transforms your mind.
More of your mind’s capacity and potential are available to you;
Your mind thinks more powerful thoughts that support more powerful actions to get what you want.
That experience of Divine Being in your Meditation Practice supports you here in your life.
You gain the support of Almighty God.
More and more Awareness is cultivated as you continue your Meditation Practice.
The Awareness is so transformative of your mind and your physiology that they rise to That status of Divine Being.
Now your every word, thought and action support your evolution and support the evolution of all of Creation.
These actions of yours serve the needs of Natural Law;
Natural Law in turn supports the fulfillment of your desires.
This is Enlightenment:
Being established in Divine Being, your Self;
Knowing your Self as separate from all the activity of the relative field.
Maharishi teaches that once you start transcending in your Meditation Practice, everything just goes along by itself to bring you evolution to more Awareness of Divine Being;
And more Awareness brings you more happiness and fulfillment in your life.
On this highway of evolution, the whole process just goes by itself:
You gain more and more Awareness until you become established in That Awareness:
It becomes unshakable.
It permeates every moment of your life.
So get on that highway of evolution:
Transcend in your Meditation Practice.
Gain that evolution to Higher States of Consciousness That bring you more happiness and fulfillment.

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