Know Who You Are: Divine Being That Is the Absolute Field of Universal God

by Guru for God
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Divine Being is the Absolute field of Universal God That is your essential nature.
The Absolute field of Divine Being That never changes gives rise to the relative field that ever changes.
Attributeless, Divine Being is the source of all attributes.
Silent, Divine Being is the source of all activity.
Without boundaries, Divine Being is the source of space, time and causation.
That field of Unity gives rise to this field of diversity.
That fathomless ocean of Bliss Consciousness rises in waves of individuated consciousness.
It is the nature of Divine Being, of Universal God, to manifest as all of Creation.
Divine Being is the essential constituent of the Universe.
Divine Being is your essential nature.
When you transcend in your Meditation Practice, you transcend this relative field;
You transcend your mind and your physiology that belong to this relative field.
Then the experience is of the Absolute field of Divine Being, of Universal God That is your Self.
Transcend regularly in your Meditation Practice.
Be Divine Being That is Universal God.
Transcend regularly that you may know who you are.

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