We Are All Connected by the Grace of God.

by Guru for God
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As human beings, our differences are fewer than the things we share in common.
Sometimes you might feel a connection with some person or with a group of people, or with some other element of the created world.
There are deep profound ways that we are all connected.
We human beings are the most evolved creatures on the terrestrial planes here in the relative field.
We have complex nervous systems that allow us to hold Higher States of Consciousness.
We are in different stages of our evolution in our many lifetimes.
But all human beings in some lifetime will be Enlightened.
In order to understand and experience what you are and how we are all connected, all you need is a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field.
Divine Being That is Universal God is what connects all of Creation;
It is the source of all of Creation.
When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, then the experience is of Divine Being That is the connection of everything.
You experience That Divine Being, and when you return to your experience of the world, of the relative field, you bring with you the experience of Divine Being.
It allows you to be more peaceful and content.
The more you experience Divine Being in your Meditation Practice, the more you understand the source of everyone and of everything.
That is the real connection in life:
We are all the same thing;
We are all manifestations of Divine Being That is the Lord.
Do your Meditation Practice regularly and transcend repeatedly to experience Who you are;
To know and feel that we are all connected by the Grace of God.

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