What Is Karma?

by Guru for God
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The Law of Karma states:
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Karma means action in Sanskrit.
But the Law of Karma includes the consequences of your actions.
Whether good actions or bad actions, all actions have consequences.
These consequences, or the fruits of actions, have seeds that leave deep impressions in your mind and nervous system.
The impressions lead to new thoughts, desires and actions.
This is the Wheel of Karma, the bondage of Karma.
Our purpose as human beings is to escape this bondage;
To escape the cycle of birth and death.
There are three different categories of Karma.
Samchita Karma is the store of all the Karma from your actions in all your lifetimes as a human being.
Prarabdha Karma is the Karma from that store you brought with you into this lifetime now.
It must be lived out in this lifetime.
Kriyamana Karma is the third type of Karma.
It is the Karma from your actions now.
To escape the bondage of Karma, you must gain Higher States of Consciousness .
When you become established in your Self;
Established in the Divine Being That underlies all the created world;
Then you are freed from the cycle of birth and death.
You must live out the Prarabdha Karma you brought with you into this lifetime.
But there will be no Kriyamana Karma from actions now.
The way to escape the bondage of Karma is with your Meditation Practice.
When you transcend the relative field, you transcend the field of Karma.
The experience is of your Self, Divine Being, referring to ItSelf by ItSelf.
With repeated and regular experience of your Self in your Meditation Practice,
You become established in your Self.
You are a witness to all the actions, to all the Karma in the relative field.
You no longer perform action.
You know all action is performed by Natural Law.
Escape the bondage of Karma.
Be established in your Self.
Be Enlightened .

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