Self Actualize With Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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To self actualize is to realize the full potential of self.
What is the full potential of self?
It depends on how you define self.
Do you define your self as your mind and physiology here in the world?
This is the relative self.
The relative self, like all the created relative field, is limited and bounded by space, time and causation.
It is perishable and ever changing.
To define self as your relative self does not give you the full potential that is yours.
Your real nature is Absolute Self;
The Self That is unbounded and unlimited;
That is almighty, all powerful, all intelligent Divine Being.
That is the Self of all possibilities, of unlimited potential.
The Absolute Self is the essential constituent of the relative field.
But It is covered and hidden by all the activity here in the world.
How can you realize the Absolute Self That is Pure Consciousness with all possibilities?
You need a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field, that goes beyond the field of Creation.
Then the experience is of Absolute Self, the unbounded, all powerful, all intelligent Divine Being.
Experience of Absolute Self in your Meditation Practice transforms your mind and your physiology.
Conscious mind expands to think more powerful thoughts that lead to more powerful actions to accomplish your objectives in life.
Your potential expands in the direction of all possibilities.
In time, with regular and repeated transcending in your Meditation Practice, your mind rises to That status of Absolute Self.
Now your thoughts and actions are all supported by Natural Law, because they serve the needs of Natural Law to evolve Creation.
Now your potential expands to all possibilities.
This is Self actualizing with your Meditation Practice:
Realize your Absolute Self.
Gain all possibilities as the fulfillment of your potential.

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