Unity Consciousness Is Brahmi Chetana

by Guru for God
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Being has two modes:
The Absolute and the relative.
The Absolute Field is Divine Being, Universal God;
It is Pure Consciousness, unmanifest, unbounded, never changing and eternal.
The relative field is Being made manifest.
It is of phenomenal forms and perishable in nature;
It is bounded by space, time and causation;
It is ever changing and it is eternal.
This is the duality of Being:
The Absolute and the relative.
Maharishi teaches in the tradition of the Ancient Vedic Masters:
Purnamada, Purnamidam.
This is full and That is full.
These are the two Realities of life;
The two Fullnesses of life;
The Reality of the relative and the Reality of the Absolute.
In the first stage of Enlightenment, Being, the Transcendent, is so familiar from transcending the relative field in your Meditation Practice, that Being , Pure Consciousness, is held alongside the consciousness of the relative field: the waking, dreaming or sleeping.
One is established in Divine Being;
Established in one’s Self.
One is in permanent Union with Universal God.
But there is still duality:
Self and non Self.
One knows one’s Self to be completely separate from the relative field;
One knows one’s Self as Divine Being.
When one is established in one’s Self, devotion grows;
Devotion to one’s Personal God.
As God Consciousness develops, the relative consciousness is of the finest perceptions of the finest, celestial relative values here in the world, held alongside the Consciousness of Self.
There is still duality:
There is Self and there is the finest, celestial relative;
Consciousness of Self and consciousness of one’s Personal God as manifest in all of Creation.
The Consciousness continues to develop.
God Consciousness transforms into Brahmi Chetana, or Unity Consciousness.
The perceptions of the celestial relative become so very fine, that one realizes:
Oh, this is nothing but my Self.
All beings are seen in one’s Self as Unity Consciousness dawns.
The entire relative field is seen in one’s Self.
One knows one’s Personal God as the Lord of Lords, the Creator of Heaven and earth, the embodiment of Brahman, of Totality.
And finally, the Self is seen in God, is seen as Totality.
This is Unity Consciousness, Brahmi Chetana.
It is the Unity of the great duality of Self and God.
Anyone who knows Brahman is no longer anyone.
The Knower of Brahman is Brahman.

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