The Third Eye of Astral Beings

by Guru for God
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When Yogananda’s Guru Sri Yukteswar resurrects and comes to Yogananda, He gives him much information about other lives lived on other planes of existence.
Sri Yukteswar describes to Yogananda the eyes of astral beings living on astral planes.
The astral being has three eyes.
Two of these eyes are placed on the face as the eyes of a human being are placed.
The third eye is placed vertically in the center of the forehead.
This is the eye through which astral beings primarily see.
This is the third eye.
This is the eye that sees with feelings and with intuition.
In the Buddhist tradition in Tibet, there is a frequent rendering of divine figures with this third eye.
These Tibetan tankas show the third eye placed vertically in the center of the forehead, just as Yogananda’s Guru describes.
There must be human beings with faint memories of time spent on the astral planes in between human lifetimes on the terrestrial planes.
That faint memory is portrayed in the Tibetan tankas.
The third eye is now part of more mainstream cultures here in the world.
It is the all seeing eye of intuition.
Please examine the image provided at the end of the podcast , portraying the third eye in a Tibetan tanka.
It gives you a feeling for the commonality among different religions and traditions, with their different ways of seeing the world.

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