God Consciousness Is Lived in Waves of Joy

by Guru for God
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In the regular states of consciousness, the waking, dreaming or sleeping states experienced here in the relative field, there are impressions on the mind left by thoughts, desires and actions.
This is the Law of Karma:
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Every action has consequences.
The consequences leave impressions in the mind and physiology.
It is unfathomable when these impressions will resurface as desires.
This is known as the bondage of Karma.
This bondage keeps the individual returning as a human being until the wheel of Karma is broken.
Freedom is gained in the State of Enlightenment.
When one is established in one’s Self, and knows one’s Self as completely separate from all the activity of the relative field;
Then the State of Enlightenment is gained.
In this State, the impressions left from the consequences of actions are no longer strong enough to influence the mind.
The impressions cannot reach the depths of the mind that is established in the Self.
This is freedom from the bondage of Karma.
When the body is dropped, there is no more returning as a human being.
Now evolution will be on higher planes of existence.
The State of Enlightenment naturally develops into God Consciousness.
In God Consciousness, there is Consciousness of Self and there is consciousness of the most subtle, celestial values of the relative field:
Consciousness of one’s Personal God made manifest here in the world.
Every perception is a wave of joy;
Every experience in God Consciousness is a wave of joy.
There are impressions left from these waves of joy, but like both the negative and the positive impressions left in the State of Enlightenment, they are easily erased at night during sleep.
In God Consciousness there are only waves of joy.
That is reason enough to seek God Consciousness:
To live in waves of joy.

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