Develop Your Relationship with God

by Guru for God
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The relationship with God first develops in your Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field.
When the relative field is transcended, then the experience is of Divine Being.
The experience is of Universal God.
One is in Union with Universal God.
Then you return to the experience of the relative field;
To the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping with which we experience the relative field.
That experience of Divine Being That is Universal God influences your experience here in the world.
It brings you more peacefulness, more bliss, and more creativity.
This is the way to begin developing your relationship with the Lord:
By transcending in your Meditation Practice;
By being Universal God.
The relationship with God continues to develop.
In time, with repeated and regular transcending in your Meditation Practice, you become established in your Self;
Established in Universal God That is Divine Being.
Now the Union with Universal God is permanent.
You live God here in the world.
Union with Universal God is an impersonal union.
In time, the Consciousness of Universal God That you hold alongside the consciousness of the relative field, further develops with the practice of devotion, to the Consciousness of your Personal God alone.
Your Personal God might be Christ, or Krishna, or Buddha, or the prophet Muhammad, or any fully realized human being.
Your Personal God has a relationship with you that develops in a personal manner.
You experience this world that we live in as a manifestation of your Personal God.
Your Personal God is everywhere and everything.
This is God Consciousness.
It is the culmination of developing one’s consciousness.
It is why we are here as individuated consciousnesses manifesting as human beings, as astral beings, as causal beings:
To realize and live our Personal God in our life.

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