The Unified Field of Natural Law Is A Unifying Force That Cannot Be Quantified

by Guru for God
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The Unified Field of Natural Law cannot be quantified.
It is a unifying force that lies beyond the relative field;
Lies beyond the relative field that is the Universe we live in;
With its boundaries of space, time, and causation;
With its ever changing phenomenal appearances.
The Unified Field of Natural Law is beyond the relative field.
It is the Field of the Absolute;
It is the Field of Unity That never changes;
It is unbounded and unmanifest.
That Field of the Absolute is Divine Being;
It is your Self.
Even though That Field cannot be quantified,
It can be experienced.
The Field of the Absolute reveals ItSelf to ItSelf by ItSelf.
When you have a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field, then the experience is of Self;
It is of Divine Being;
It is of the Unified Field of Natural Law.
That experience cannot be quantified;
But It can be yours.
All you need is a Meditation technique that allows you to transcend the relative field.
Then your Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf by ItSelf.
That experience of Self comes back with you when you return to the experience of the relative field;
Return to the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.
That experience of Self transforms your mind.
In time, your mind rises to That very status of the Absolute;
You rise to That status of Divine Being;
And you live Universal God here in the world.

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