An Ayurvedic Approach to Healthy Eating for Healing the Body and Mind

by Guru for God
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Ayurveda is an ancient science out of India.
It teaches that proper food digestion is the cornerstone of health.
To digest food properly, you must choose foods for your particular constitution.
Your constitution is a mix of the three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

People with predominantly Vata constitutions have lighter bones and muscles and tend to worry when out of balance. They should favor the sweet, sour and salty tastes.
People with predominantly Pitta constitutions have medium bones and muscles and get angry when out of balance. They should favor the sweet, bitter and astringent tastes.

People with predominantly Kapha constitutions have heavy bones and muscles and can be jealous when out of balance. They should favor the pungent, astringent and bitter tastes.
Everyone should avoid the nightshades, deep fried foods, leftovers and prepared foods. These foods are difficult to digest.
The finest product of proper digestion is ojas, the source of Soma, the food of Consciousness.
Choose your food correctly, do your meditation, and let us all create higher states of Consciousness for ourselves and for the world.

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