Be a Seeker of Enlightenment That You May Be Established in Divine Being

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that regular and repeated transcending in your Meditation Practice cultivates your mind and physiology that they may rise to the status of Enlightenment.
Maharishi defines Enlightenment as the holding of two states of Consciousness at the same time:
The Consciousness of Divine Being That is your Self, along with the consciousness of the relative field, the waking, dreaming or sleeping.
You know your Self as separate from all the activity here in the world.
You know your Self as Divine Being.
Living the Consciousness of Divine Being here in your life brings you contentment and peacefulness.
There are other great advantages of Enlightenment.
You get the best possibilities of the Karma that you brought into this lifetime with you, for your happiness and for your fulfillment .
No more Karma will be created by your actions in this lifetime now.
You are freed from the bondage of Karma.
You are freed from the cycle of birth and death.
When Enlightened, your thoughts, desires and actions are in accordance with all of Natural Law:
Natural Law supports the fulfillment of your desires and actions, because these desires and actions support your evolution and the evolution of all of Creation.
Enlightenment cultures universal love in your heart and devotion to your Personal God.
As devotion and love grow, the Awareness of the Lord grows until finally the Consciousness of Divine Being and the consciousness of the relative field unify
in one Consciousness alone:
The Consciousness of the Lord, Who is everywhere and everything;
Who presides over the field of the Absolute and the field of the relative.
This is God Consciousness, the culmination of your evolution .

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