Be Cause.

by Guru for God
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In your life, it is important that you be the cause of things;
The cause of things happening that you want to happen.
You must use all your power and focus to make the things happen that will benefit you and accomplish your objectives in the world.
You must give it your best shot;
And then let it go.
The results of your best shot, the results of your actions, are not in your control.
The results of actions are governed by Natural Law;
Governed to keep all of Creation in the stream of evolution.
Do not worry about what results your actions may have;
Put your attention on making your actions strong and powerful to achieve your objectives.
One of the ways to increase your attention and focus is with a Meditation Practice;
A Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field.
When the mind moves towards the Transcendent, it experiences deeper and deeper levels where thoughts are more powerful.
The more that you transcend in your Meditation Practice, the more you have access to those powerful levels of your mind.
You think more powerful thoughts;
These more powerful thoughts lead to more powerful actions to accomplish your objectives.
These more powerful thoughts and actions lead to better outcomes for you in your life and for the world at large;
Outcomes furthering the evolution of all.
Culture your mind to want the best things;
To make the best things happen here in the world.
Be more powerful and creative.
Make your life better and make lives better for everyone.
Be cause.

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