Be Your Best Self In Times Of Uncertainty

by Guru for God
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These are uncertain times with the corona virus taking its course.
People’s reactions are extreme:
Some are frightened, some are angry, and some are resentful.
It all depends on your individual nature, and on what your imbalances are.
But just about everyone is feeling some strong reaction to these difficult times.
In times of uncertainty like this, it is good to be your best Self.
When you come across the path of others, try to be patient;
Try to be kind;
Try to be understanding, compassionate and reassuring.
Set the tone for your interactions with others.
Do not feed the fears, their fears or yours, by having conversations that are panicked in nature.
Instead, be a beacon;
A beacon of hope;
A beacon of confidence.
Know we will get through this and it will be OK.
The easiest way to be your best Self is when you have a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field.
Then your experience is of Self:
The best Self there is;
The Self referring to ItSelf by ItSelf .
This is your real nature:
Your Self, Atma;
The Field of the Absolute;
The Field of Pure Consciousness That is Divine Being.
If you do your Meditation Practice regularly and you transcend repeatedly,
Then those wonderful influences of your best Self come out with you into the world.
These influences transform your mind;
Enabling you to be more patient, more kind, and more understanding.
Enabling you to be your best Self.
We are all in this together.
We are all the same thing:
Manifestations of Self, here in the created world.
Let us join together and support each other in the best way possible.
Be your best Self.

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