Being Is All There Is

by Guru for God
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Being is all there is.
Being in Its Absolute State is unmanifest, uncreated, unbounded, never changing Pure Consciousness.
Being in Its relative state is created, bounded, phenomenal, always changing, a field that is full of activity.
The consciousness of the relative field, of the created world that we live in, is the consciousness of waking, dreaming, or sleeping.
Our minds, our physiologies, and our senses are so busy with all the activity here in our lives, that Pure Consciousness is covered and hidden from us.
We do not have access to Being in Its Absolute State of power, intelligence and bliss.
To gain the experience of Pure Consciousness, you need a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field.
Then the experience is of the Transcendent, Pure Consciousness, Being in Its Absolute State That is your Self.
Experience of Self infuses your mind and your physiology.
When you return to the consciousness of the relative field, to waking, sleeping or dreaming, you have that infusion of the power, the intelligence and the energy of Pure Consciousness.
Being is all there is.
Being is the essential constituent of the relative field with all its phenomenal appearances.
When you transcend the relative field regularly and repeatedly in your Meditation Practice, experiencing Being That is Pure Consciousness, in time you will be established in Being, established in your Self.
You will hold the Pure Consciousness of Being alongside the relative consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.
You will hold Pure Consciousness and relative consciousness simultaneously.
Now Being in Its Absolute, powerful State is always yours.
In this first stage of Enlightenment, devotion to the Lord grows.
Awareness grows of the Lord Who presides over Being in Its Absolute State, and over Being in Its relative state.
The Lord holds the fullness of both within.

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