Cultivate the Consciousness of Divine Being, the Universal God, in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Many systems of Meditation do not reference God.

Maharishi teaches that in a practice where the relative field is transcended, the experience is of Divine Being, of Universal God.

Divine Being is the field of the Absolute.

That field is unbounded and never changing, is Absolute in Its nature.

It is the source of and the finest constituent of the relative field, our Universe, which is bounded by space, time and causation.

That field of the Absolute is Pure Consciousness, is your Self, is Universal God.

It has always been, is now and forever shall be.

Who you really are is Universal God manifesting as Creation.

That is your essential nature.

It is the essential nature of all the infinities of Universes.

The more you experience Universal God in your Meditation Practice, the more you cultivate Universal God in your life;

The more you experience the subtle celestial values of Creation;

The more the value of love is cultured in your heart;

The more your mind and physiology are transformed.

Eventually you become established in the Consciousness of Universal God.

You are able to hold That Consciousness at the same time as you hold consciousness of the relative field.

This is Enlightenment.

Do your practices so that you may live the Consciousness of God, of your own Self, in your life here in the world.

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