Desire Is the Means of Evolution to Higher States of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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Desires have a bad reputation in some teachings about Higher States of Consciousness.
Maharishi, however, teaches that desire is for the purpose of evolution; for the purpose of fulfillment in Enlightenment.
All the rivers of desire run towards the Ocean of Bliss Consciousness.
Any desire arises from the stresses that are stored in your mind and in your nervous system.
These stresses are impressions left by the consequences of your past actions.
Any desire arising is a release of some stress.
The release brings more purity and refinement to your mind and physiology.
The unfolding of all desires is governed by Natural Law.
The desires you have in your many lifetimes are to keep you moving forward in the stream of evolution to Higher States of Consciousness.
When you become established in your Self in the State of Enlightenment, you know your Self as separate from the field of desires and actions.
You know your Self as Divine Being, uninvolved with desires and actions.
This is freedom from the bondage of Karma.
Now the consequences of actions do not give rise to future desires.
The impressions left by the consequences of actions are not strong enough to reach the depths of your mind that hold the status of Divine Being.
When Enlightened, you perform no action.
All action is performed by Natural Law.
As you evolve towards God Consciousness, all desires and all actions
are surrendered to God.

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