Develop a Practice of Gratitude to God for the Gift of Higher States of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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We don’t always acknowledge gratitude to God even when things go well in our lives.
We are all manifestations of the Lord.
Gratitude is developing your relationship with the Lord and being grateful to God.
How do you feel grateful when things don’t go well?
Sometimes difficult challenges in your life bring good changes.
Unhappiness might motivate you to start a practice of Meditation.
A deeper understanding is that everything that happens in our lives, good and bad, is governed by the law of Karma to ensure our evolution.
The purpose of our many lives as human beings is to experience everything there is to experience and evolve to God Consciousness.
The primary way to develop your relationship with the Lord is through your practice of meditation.
By the grace of God we are evolving to higher states of Consciousness.
Be grateful always to the Lord for this great gift.

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