Devotion to and Worship of God with Faith Bring You God Consciousness

by Guru for God
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To gain Union with your Personal God in God Consciousness, it is first necessary to be established in your Self:
Your Self That is Divine Being;
That is Universal God.
When you transcend in your Meditation Practice, the experience is of your Self, of Universal God.
Repeated and regular transcending cultures your mind and your nervous system such that you become established in your Self.
You gain permanent Union with Universal God.
For some, That Union with Divine Being is enough.
For others, a need grows to gain Union with the Personal God.
Your Personal God might be Lord Krishna, or Lord Buddha, or Lord Christ, or any other fully realized human being.
Universal God is too abstract to enjoy with your senses and your perceptions.
In Union with your Personal God, however, your senses, your perceptions, your mind, and your heart are all full of the realization of the Lord as manifest in all of Creation.
The practice to gain Union with your Personal God is devotion.
Maharishi defines devotion as service, reverence and love.
You worship your Personal God with faith.
Maharishi defines worship as devotion, dedication, dependence and surrender.
He teaches that for this greatest undertaking of gaining God Consciousness, the greatest faith is needed.
These practices of devotion and worship in time lead to Union with your Personal God:
You feel the breath of the Lord everywhere, and you know the Lord as everything.
This is God Consciousness:
Living God here in the world.

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