Dharma Is the Path of Evolution to Higher States of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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Dharma is the path of evolution throughout your many lifetimes, evolution to Higher States of Consciousness.

Your particular dharma in this lifetime is according to your particular level of consciousness in this lifetime.

You should not try to follow someone else’s dharma.

Your own path of evolution is the most efficient and effective for you.

Maharishi teaches that to truly be on the path of your dharma, you must be established in your Self.

Being established in your Self is the way to transcend all the limitations of your individual mind in this particular lifetime;

To transcend all the limitations of your individual thoughts, desires and actions.

When you are established in your Self, your mind is Cosmic mind.

Then all of your thoughts, desires and actions are for the purpose of evolution, for you and for all of Creation.

How do you become established in your Self?

A Meditation Practice with a technique that allows you to transcend the relative field leaves your Self by ItSelf to experience ItSelf.

Your Self is Divine Being.

When you return to consciousness of the relative field, That experience of Self comes back with you.

It infuses your mind and physiology, transforming them with the feelings of peacefulness and blissfulness.

Eventually your mind is so transformed by experience of your Self, that it rises to That status of Self, to the status of Divine Being.

This is your dharma:

Rise to That status of Divine Being.

Get the support of Natural Law to fulfill your desires and actions.

Be established in your Self.

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