Disrupting Consciousness to Transform Conscious Mind to Rise to That Status of Being

by Guru for God
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Your mind is a projection of Consciousness.

Mind can be transformed to rise to That level of Consciousness.

Your conscious mind is what you use to process all the information coming from your experience of the relative field.

Deeper subconscious parts of your mind are not always available to you.

When you have a practice of meditation that transcends the relative field, then your Self is left by ItSelf to experience ItSelf.

Your experience of Self, of Being, comes out into your mind’s experience of the relative field;

And the experience of Being, of the Transcendent, actually disrupts the conscious mind and transforms it.

More of your mind becomes available to you as subconscious mind is revealed.

Regular and repeated transcending in your meditation practice so transforms your mind that it can hold two states of Consciousness simultaneously:

Consciousness of the Transcendent along with consciousness of the relative field.

You are established in your Self, established in Being.

Your mind rises to That status of Consciousness ItSelf.

This is Enlightenment.

Disrupt your mind.

Meditate, transcend, be Being.

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