Duality Changes as Consciousness Changes

by Guru for God
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Here in the world, we have the consciousness of the relative field.
We are either waking, dreaming or sleeping.
This consciousness of the relative field is full of duality;
Full of the pairs of opposites:
Hot and cold;
Near and far;
Great and small.
The relative field is a world of multiplicity full of duality.
Consciousness of Self, however, is the Consciousness of the Absolute Field of Unity.
There is no duality in Pure Consciousness.
When the relative field is transcended in your Meditation Practice, the experience is of Self;
The experience is of the Unified Field, Pure Consciousness.
In time, with regular and repeated transcending in your Meditation Practice;
With regular and repeated experiencing of the Unified Field;
You rise to That status of Unity;
To the Unity of Pure Consciousness.
You are established in your Self.
Duality shifts.
Now duality is the holding of two different States of Consciousness at the same time:
The consciousness of the relative field, the waking, dreaming or sleeping;
And the Consciousness of the Unified Field.
Now duality is lived as Consciousness of Self alongside consciousness of the relative field.
Still Duality continues to change as Consciousness changes.
When one is established in one’s Self, devotion grows in one’s heart;
Devotion to one’s Personal God.
As devotion grows, the relative field is perceived in its finest Celestial values.
It is perceived as one’s Personal God made manifest here in the world.
Duality shifts again.
There is consciousness of the relative field in its most refined values;
And there is Consciousness of Self.
This is the duality in God Consciousness:
Self and Celestial relative.
And Consciousness continues to change:
To Brahmi Chetana ;
To Unity Consciousness.
First all beings, the entire relative field, are seen in the Self.
Duality of Self and relative dissolves.
There is only duality of Self and God.
And the final change in Consciousness is when the Self is seen in God.
All duality is extinguished in the Unity of God;
In the Totality of Brahm.
Unity Consciousness.
Brahmi Chetana.
There is one Consciousness of God alone.
There is no duality.
There is only knowing Brahm.
And the Knower of Brahm is Brahm.

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