Einstein and Tolstoy Cognized the Universal Law of Karma

by Guru for God
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Einstein and Tolstoy Cognized the Universal Law of Karma.

Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace presents a new theory of history.

He states that history is the unfolding of events that are consequences of what has come before.

Tolstoy cognized the Law of Karma:

As you sow, so shall you reap.

The purpose of Karma is to keep Creation in the stream of evolution.

Maharishi teaches that how Karma unfolds is unfathomable.

It unfolds with reference to what has come before, and also with reference to Wholeness, to the Transcendent.

All your actions have influences that reverberate throughout the Universe.

When and how those influences return to you is unknowable.

Another great thinker who cognized the Law of Karma is Einstein.

Einstein draws an analogy using the moon to describe how actions come about.

He says that if the moon could think, it would think that it were choosing its course of revolution around the earth.

Einstein states that just like this, human beings believe that they choose their own actions.

He concludes that actions unfold according to Laws of Causation.

Maharishi’s teaching about Karma is more comprehensive.

The Karma that each of us brings into this present lifetime is part of the store of Karma created in all our past lifetimes.

This Karma we bring with us must be lived out in this particular lifetime.

But you can influence how this Karma unfolds by referring to the Transcendent in your meditation practice.

Transcend the relative field and experience Pure Consciousness.

This experience gives you more support of Natural Law to get what you want in life.

Transcend regularly and repeatedly to bring you more happiness and fulfillment.

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