Faith Is Necessary to Gain Higher States of Consciousness

by Guru for God
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Maharishi teaches that faith is necessary to gain higher states of Consciousness.

You need faith in your own experiences of the Transcendent;

You need faith in the teaching for you to understand your experiences of the Transcendent;

And you need faith in God.

When you transcend the relative field in your meditation practice, you experience Divine Being, your Self.

Experience of your Self comes out into the relative field as feelings of contentment, peacefulness and abundance.

Repeated and regular transcending allows you to become established in your Self.

You know your Self as separate from this relative world.

Maharishi explains that in this first stage of Enlightenment, your desire will grow for God Consciousness.

He says that to gain God Consciousness, the greatest faith is needed.

In seeking God Consciousness, your practices themselves are the devotion to the Lord that is necessary to know God.

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