How Do I Know God? Evolution to Knowledge of the Lord is the Destiny of All Human Beings

by Guru for God
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It is the destiny of all human beings to know the Lord.

We have many lifetimes to evolve to desiring to know the Lord and to fulfilling that desire to know God.

The means to fulfill the desire to know God is your meditation practice.

When you transcend the relative field in your meditation, you experience the Self, the Absolute from which all Creation emerges.

Through repeated experience of the Self, you establish that state of Consciousness permanently such that it is held along with waking, sleeping or dreaming.

This is the first stage of Enlightenment.

Enlightenment naturally evolves to a desire to know God.

Knowledge of God in God Consciousness unites the separateness of the Self with the experience of the relative plane.

My Guru teaches that the Lord is cognized by a cultured heart flowing in love; that the Lord is perceived by your senses as the most refined, celestial values of that which is perceived; and that the

Lord is known on the level of your mind as being everywhere and everything.

It is all good because it is all God.

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