How Meditation Cultivates Non-Attachment to Desires

by Guru for God
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Some practices put an emphasis on non-attachment to desires as a way to cultivate higher states of Consciousness.

Maharishi teaches that non-attachment to desires is not a cause of Enlightenment.

It is a result of Enlightenment.

The mind unfolds naturally, governed by Natural Law.

Thoughts lead to desires, desires to actions, and the results of actions leave impressions on the mind that engender new rounds of thoughts and desires.

This is the unfolding of Karma.

It keeps all of Creation in the stream of evolution.

Being established in your Self, being Enlightened, brings real non- attachment to desires.

The impressions on the mind left by results of actions, are no longer deep enough to lead to new thoughts and desires.

You are free from the bondage of Karma, free from attachment to desires.

In some practices desires are considered a negative thing.

But it is desires that keep us in the stream of evolution, moving us towards higher states of Consciousness.

In some lifetime we will all desire to be Enlightened.

Enlightenment will cultivate a desire for God Consciousness.

Everything, everyone and everywhere is the Lord.

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